Product Recommendation #1:Protein Powder
When trying to add lean muscle to your body we recommend starting with a Whey Protein Isolate powder. Whey Isolate protein is a low calorie, fast digesting product that will help your body recover quickly which will help you add lean muscle to your body. The leaner muscle your body has the more efficient your body becomes at burning fat. We recommend taking in the morning and post workout.

Iso Surge 1.6lbs

Hydropure 1.6lbs

Beyond Yourself
Isolate 2lbs

Allmax Nutrition
Isoflex 2lbs

Pure Vita Labs (PVL)
PVL Gold Series Iso Gold 2lbs
A greens product will help compliment a healthy, high protein diet. Greens will provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals you need to digest and utilize your food to properly recover after your workout. We recommend taking greens with your first meal of the day.

Believe Supplements
Superfoods + Greens 30 Servings

North Coast Naturals
Ultimate Daily Greens 270g

TC Nutrition
Essential Greens 30 Servings

EHP Labs
Oxygreens 30 Servings
One of the key elements to losing body fat is being in a calorie deficit. Whether achieved through your diet or exercise (or both) your body will utilize muscle for its energy source. Consuming BCAA/EAAs will help promote faster recovery and prevent muscle breakdown especially during cardiovascular exercise. We recommend consuming during your workout.

TC Nutrition
Hydramino 40 Servings

Believe Supplements
Performance EAA 30 Servings

Pure Vita Labs (PVL)
PVL EAA Complete+ 30 Servings

BCAA 9.7 30 Servings

ANS Performance
Quench EAA 30 Servings
Creatine increases muscle cell volume which promotes strength, hydration, and recovery. We also recommend consuming Creatine Monohydrate, HCL or Kre Alkalyn when the goal is toning. Creatine HCL and Kre Alkalyn Creatine can help avoid potential water retention which can sometimes occur from consuming a monohydrate creatine.
A pre-workout will help boost your performance, increase endurance, focus and hydration. This type of product will get you through those additional reps and sets to help further reach your goal of toning. We recommend consuming 15-20 minutes prior to your workout.

Ryse Supps
Loaded Pre Workout 60 Servings

Believe Supplements
Pump Addict 25 Servings

Beyond Yourself
Superset 40 Servings

Alani Nu
Pre-Workout 30 Servings